Benefits: Normalizes the hypersensitization of the vital part due to spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, or excess coitus. Also potentiates its nerves and muscles.

Suggested Use: Rub gently on the men’s vital part (except the glans and bottom of the part) the night before going to sleep.

Packing: 8ml in HDPE Dropper

Notes: For external use only.




Tila Musakan No.1: Relieve Male Genitalia Issues with the Power of Nature

Experience the effective solution provided by Tila Musakan No.1, a unique combination of ingredients designed to address concerns related to the male genitalia, such as premature ejaculation. This remarkable formulation works by normalizing the functions of the organ, providing relief and restoring balance.

Key Ingredients:

  • Henbane: 100mg
  • Thorn Apple Seed: 50mg
  • Barberry Wood: 50mg
  • Coriander: 50mg
  • Henna Leaf: 50mg
  • Black Sesame Oil: 1.1ml
  • Camphor: 10mg

Key Benefits:

  • Normalizes hyper sensitization of the male organ caused by spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, or excessive coitus
  • Potentiates nerves and muscles, promoting overall wellness

Dosage: Gently rub Tila Musakan No.1 on the sexual organ (except the glans and bottom) at night before going to sleep. Allow the powerful blend to work its magic and provide you with the relief you deserve.

Packaging: Available in an 8ml HDPE dropper for convenient use.

Shelf Life: Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Storage: Store Tila Musakan No.1 in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, and out of the reach of children.

Rediscover comfort and confidence with Tila Musakan No.1. Embrace the power of natural ingredients to relieve male genitalia issues and restore balance to your life. Experience the difference for yourself today.


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